Just the Facts: Pros and Cons of Popular Diet and Fitness Trends Profiles of Paleo, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Detox, Cleanse, HIIT & CrossFit

Cleanses and Detox

Some experts have tried to debunk the entire notion of cleansing accumulated toxins out of your body, while others still swear that it’s as essential as changing the oil in our cars. At their core, cleanses take your body’s focus off of digestion and on to other biological processes- like detoxification. Cleanses can run the gamut from temporarily eliminating processed foods, to living on juices for a week, to supplementing with supposed cleansing agents, like charcoal. Because they are so varied, so is their safety and effectiveness.
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  • Can reset and revitalize your body

  • Nearly all limit refined and processed foods

  • Can increase energy

  • Many claim to offer better, shinier hair and clearer skin

  • Can help break addictions to caffeine or sugar

[column type=”one-half” last=”true”]Cons:

  • With any type of calorie restriction, working out can become dangerous

  • Can cause lightheadedness

  • Can cause headaches or irritability, especially when withdrawing from caffeine or sugar

Bottom line: Use your head when choosing a cleanse or detox diet, and if it seems extreme, skip it or check with your doctor. Don’t deprive yourself of necessary calories or nutrients, especially if you have extreme physical demands. If breaking up with caffeine or sugar, go very slowly and gradually to mitigate negative reactions. For any cleanse program, it’s better to ease into it and out of it.


High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

The foundation of the CrossFit workouts, this is a training program with staying power. The hallmark of these workouts is short periods of super intense cardio and strength training combos (say, for 45 seconds), and short periods of rest (like 15 seconds), repeating a few different circuits.
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  • Results. These workouts are extremely effective at fat burning and building lean muscle.

  • Minimal time commitment. Many of the workouts can be completed in as little as 15 to 20 minutes.

  • Great for both cardiovascular health and for muscle recovery

  • Easy to do without a trainer

[column type=”one-half” last=”true”]Cons:

  • Can be hard on joints, so not ideal for those with preexisting injuries

  • On a more minor level, it’s a hard workout so you’re gonna be sore

Bottom line: This is a great option for those with a basic level of fitness and no preexisting injuries. You’ll lose those extra lbs and tone. For beginners, starting slowly is key.