The important thing isn’t to stick to the regimen 100% without straying, but to make sure you maintain the great way you feel with your health in mind.Full disclosure: there are times when I get discouraged. Sometimes I really want a double cheeseburger, fries, and a milkshake. And sometimes I do eat that way. But most of the time, I don’t. I’ve learned to modify my food and exercise plans as I go along. The important thing isn’t to stick to the regimen 100% without straying, but to make sure you maintain the great way you feel with your health in mind.
I’m now a flexible vegan. I consume a plant-based diet about 90% of the time. I don’t see this as a failure on my journey, because it will always be an improvement on the way I used to eat. Also, sometimes it isn’t about making sure you check the box each day but listening to your body and noticing how much better you feel even if you eat meat on occasion.
My weight now fluctuates between 185-190, due in large part to the muscle mass gained from the yoga and running I do each week…and also that occasional cheat meal.
But the biggest change for me can’t be quantified in pounds or cholesterol readings. My perspective has changed. My health is now my top priority, and everything else in my life flows from the knowledge that if I don’t take care of myself, I can’t take care of the people I love.