Must-Have Diet Supplements for Every Man’s Diet The Wide, Wide World of Supplements for Men

men's vitamins

There’s a universe of supplements out there, and even for men who keep up on the latest health news, it can be difficult to figure out which ones are really necessary. If you’re not careful, you could end up with a whole cabinet full of exotic supplements with questionable purposes and mysterious claims to health.

Sometimes it’s best to keep things simple. After all, you eat in a healthy way, you spend plenty of time working out, and you want to make sure your body has everything it needs. Stick with these essential diet supplements to keep your body and mind firing on all cylinders, and remember – you can overdo it with certain vitamins, so be sure to only take the recommended daily dose.

You Are What You Eat: The Importance of Protein

If you pay attention to what you eat, it’s likely that your diet contains an adequate amount of protein. So why would you need to take a protein supplement? Well, it’s not always possible to prepare a healthy meal, and we’ve all found ourselves in situations where we need a pick-me-up, but don’t have time or access to healthy options. As a result, we sometimes end up eating food that we’d rather not admit to our personal trainers.

Protein drink generally has fewer calories than a full, high-protein meal.
Protein shakes taste best when they’ve been whipped up in a Vitamix, but if you keep some protein powder and a shaker in your car or office, you’ll never be stuck without a healthful snack. Not only that, but a protein drink generally has fewer calories than a full, high-protein meal, so it’s an ideal breakfast if you’re trying to shed pounds, but don’t want to leave your muscles wanting for raw material.

The Powerful Supplement Known as Creatine

Study after study has shown that creatine does speed the growth of lean muscle mass, while reducing post-workout recovery times.
There has been some controversy surrounding creatine use, leading a few fitness enthusiasts to avoid taking this powerful supplement. Here’s the thing: all of the side effects you may have heard about have been extensively investigated, and none were found to pose any serious threats to otherwise healthy individuals.

So what is creatine? It’s actually a naturally occurring compound formed when your body metabolizes protein. It’s stored in the muscles and used as an energy source when muscles are contracted.

Study after study has shown that creatine does speed the growth of lean muscle mass, while reducing post-workout recovery times. If you find it difficult to stomach the creatine supplement on its own, you can always throw it in the Vitamix with your protein powder.