Tailor-made Diets 4 Expert Tips to Create Your Ideal Eating Plan

“Less obvious, but not infrequent, symptoms include poor or disturbed sleep, moodiness, and anxiety,” Lipman said.

Gluten-containing foods, dairy products, eggs, and nightshade vegetables top the list of the most common food culprits, Lipman said. Nightshades include tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and potatoes.

He also said to avoid sugar, refined grains like white flour, hydrogenated oils, other junk foods, and GMO crops, such as soy and corn, because these foods often contribute to inflammation, blood sugar dysregulation and digestive symptoms.

If you’re having trouble pinpointing your problem foods, a food journal, documenting symptoms and what you’ve eaten, can help.


Those little microbes in your gut have much more of an impact on your health than just keeping you regular. When you find the proper diet that lets your microbial communities flourish, everything about your health benefits.

“The microbial community in our bodies is absolutely critical for maintaining optimum function and is crucial for digesting food, supporting your immune system, powering your metabolism, and maintaining a healthy weight,” Lipman said.

Consume coconut oil and prebiotics like Jerusalem artichokes, garlic, onions, and leeks to feed your gut microbes. Eat probiotics like unpasteurized sauerkraut, kimchi (Korean sauerkraut), or kefir for a thriving healthy bacterial population.

Lindner said that starting with a Paleo diet rich in vegetation will naturally support your gut health. She added that a high quality multivitamin taken with a meal is also beneficial.


Keep your eye on all the health benefits that await you even if the going seems slow or uncomfortable in the beginning. Improving your health can take time.

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“Depending on your health status and habits, you may not feel any noticeable change right away and, in fact, when you take out sugar and refined carbohydrates, you may experience withdrawal and feel fatigued, weak, or have brain fog for several days or a couple weeks,” Lipman said. “But over the long term, you will have more consistent energy, sleep better, and less digestive symptoms.”

Lipman recommends working with a qualified practitioner, such as a functional medicine doctor, naturopathic doctor, nutritionist, or health coach, to lend guidance and support.

Lindner said to start small, and take it one meal at a time to lessen any detox symptoms.

Related:  The Personalized Nutrition Project – Everyone Has Their Own Glycemic Index