To Salt Or Not To Salt Your Body Needs Salt To Function But How Much Do You Really Need?

…past studies have shown that sodium lights up the same brain pathways as hard drugs or nicotine, causing a similar addiction.
‘Tis the season for great debates… Politicians argue the big topics on every TV channel. States grapple with how to stretch shrinking budgets and over-worked education systems. And don’t get me started on the whole instant-replay-totally-messing-up-baseball thing.

Another recent and local topic of debate, and when I say ‘local’, I mean it came up at one of our dinner parties…. Salt – Good For You or Bad For You?

This topic has likely crossed the mind of all males over the age of 30, especially those who monitor their health closely. The salt debate pits foodies against health nuts and gym-rats against high blood pressure, er, havers.

First, some good news: Both sides are right…kind of. The bad news? Confessing in print that this is a hot topic at our dinner parties.

RELATED: Steps To Boost Your Metabolism To Make Your Body More Efficient

So in the spirit of the always-popular “Top 10 Things to Know about Joe Politician” (not a real politician), here’s a list of what both sides are saying about America’s most beloved and oft-demonized seasoning.

Read on; Inform yourself; then make a choice.