To Salt Or Not To Salt Your Body Needs Salt To Function But How Much Do You Really Need?

Maintaining Hydration – Electrolytes control the amount of fluid in tissues and cells, and keep us hydrated. Of the three major electrolytes, salt contains two: sodium and chloride (Potassium is the other. We meet again, bananas) If you exercise a lot, you sweat a lot, and these electrolytes escape. You need to get the salt back in your body to restore these electrolytes and retain some water to keep your body hydrated.

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Iodine is a Key Nutrient – This is a benefit of salt intake, as we have a recommended daily amount of iodine to hit. Iodine deficiency is common, and can be dangerous for pregnant women, who need this nutrient for the healthy brain development of the fetus. Iodine also contributes to cognitive health and overall intelligence. I’m probably deficient in iodine, but I can’t tell the difference. Choose your table salts wisely: most are too low in iodine, and some don’t even contain iodine. Also, most salty processed foods contain no iodine at all. Boo.

To sum up this great debate: Don’t be an extremist. A little salt is good. Too much is bad. Like in all things in life, practice moderation and find the middle ground. So, basically, vote Libertarian.