Caffeine: The Newest Health Food Eight reasons to stick with this habit

3.) Lower Risk of Erectile Dysfunction

Looks like caffeine can perk up more than just your energy. An American Urological Association study of more than 3,000 men over 20 years old concluded that caffeine might lower the odds of erectile dysfunction. Researchers saw the greatest reduction in ED risk with the equivalent of about two to three cups of coffee a day.

4.) Sperm quality

OK, so it’s not going to improve your sperm, per se, but caffeine in the form of coffee or tea isn’t going to damage it either, which is a relief for many men. Relief = benefit. Studies show that caffeine, in the form of moderate coffee or tea, isn’t going to negatively affect sperm in terms of motility, concentration, count or shape. But stay clear of caffeine in the form of soda if you’re looking to procreate. A Danish study showed that high-intake soda drinkers (800 mg +) did see a decrease in sperm by about 30 percent.

5.) Lowers Diabetes Risk.

Even the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion claims that caffeine may reduce the risk of Type-2 diabetes. For prevention, the most protection is seen from coffee, which makes sense since other sources of caffeine, like cola, are going to do nothing for your blood sugar. Note that these protective benefits are only for those who do not have diabetes already. For current diabetics, caffeine might cause adverse effects.