Celebrity A-Listers and Athletes Take HGH – Should You? Are Hormone Replacement Therapy & HGH Supplements The Fountain of Youth?

human growth hormone therapy

Another potential problem with opting for HGH therapy is that some manufacturers have been found to be selling impure products, and this can lead to a host of other potential health risks. There is also a hefty price tag attributed to using HGH for non-medical uses. Users can expect to pay anywhere from $800 to $3,000 for a single month’s supply of the drug.

If you are considering trying HGH, acquiring it from a reputable source and with a doctor’s consultation is imperative. While the prices are not low, today’s appetite for HGH makes it clear that many are considering human growth hormone therapy, as they think through their anti-aging and muscle building options.

How Is HGH Administered?

Human growth hormones are available in a range of dosing forms and strengths. Common administration methods of HGH supplements include oral spray, nasal spray, HGH pills, HGH injections, and topical creams. The nasal spray is the most affordable option, with individual doses costing between $20 and $30. Oral sprays and injections are the two most expensive options, with individual doses costing in excess of $100 each.

What Growth Hormone Therapy Is Used to Treat

Growth hormone therapy is most commonly used to treat children with pituitary dwarfism, a condition in which the pituitary does not create enough somatropin to allow the child to grow normally. But adults can also suffer from non-age-related growth hormone deficiency, although the condition is generally rare. When it does occur, though, non-age-related growth hormone deficiency is most commonly caused by a tumor on the pituitary gland.

The FDA currently approves synthetic growth hormone treatments for children and adults suffering from these and other conditions, such as short bowel syndrome, Turner’s syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, chronic kidney insufficiency, and loss of muscle mass due to AIDS or HIV.

The Final Word on Hormone Replacement Therapy

You’re an intelligent man, and you care about your body. You left naiveté and innocence behind in your twenties. And no one wants to put themselves in a position where swallowing a few HGH pills and a tall glass of hope puts them in the hospital. So it’s wise to note that in truth, the final word on HGH has yet to be written. There simply isn’t enough clinical proof to warrant the use or non-use of human growth hormones for non-medical purposes like anti-aging and muscle building.

If you’re someone who is interested in taking this fast track to fitness, then your first course of action should be to schedule some time to have a frank conversation with your primary care physician, or better yet, a doctor who specializes in anti-aging options. Learn what you can from researching somatropin and hormone replacement therapy online, and have a list of questions and concerns prepared in advance. That way, you’ll fully understand the potential pros and cons involved with taking HGH supplements as you make your decision.

[Photo Via: Me.com]