The Fountain of Youth Is Filled With Water: How Water Can Save Your Skin Sometimes the Miracle You Need Is Right Under Your Nose

drinking enough water after 40

Remember, fruits, vegetables and other whole foods are the best sources of vitamins and minerals.
Here’s something to keep in mind the next time you catch yourself reaching for a “fortified” beverage: if you’re eating a balanced diet, then you won’t likely benefit from drinking vitaminwater or similar products, including other sports drinks. Some types of fortified water also have flavorings, caffeine and sweeteners, which can damage your skin and put extra unwanted calories into your daily diet. As always, it’s important to check the label for ingredients – and check the calorie count while you’re at it.

Remember, fruits, vegetables and other whole foods are the best sources of vitamins and minerals. It’s basically impossible to beat plain water as a healthy, calorie-free drink. If you don’t care for plain water, try sparkling water or a squirt of lemon or cranberry juice in your water. And first thing in the morning, you can always warm up your water a bit, and add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

Start a Hydration Routine

Still struggling to drink your fill? Consider splurging on the perfect reusable water bottle. Whether it’s your favorite color or a unique design, the more you bond with your bottle, the less likely you’ll be to lose it. Slap an inspirational sticker or image onto it, or even write on it with a permanent marker. Now you’re ready to drink from it throughout the day—just don’t forget to refill it as soon as it’s empty.

You can also get in the habit of drinking water when you do other things throughout your daily routine.
Of course, some guys need a little extra motivation. Don’t worry, there’s an app for that. In fact, there are several. Try Waterlogged for iPhone or Water Your Body (for Android and iPhones). Not big on apps? Just set a few alerts on your phone throughout the day to remind yourself to hit the water cooler, and be sure to finish a pint each time you hear the alarm.

You can also get in the habit of drinking water when you do other things throughout your daily routine. Have a dog? Fill your water bottle before you take Fido out for a walk. Working out? Keep your bottle beside you. Heading for bed? Set a glass on the nightstand. Reading by the fire? Brew a cup of herbal tea, which is another great way to get a glass of water crossed off your daily list.

Be sure to develop water habits that actually pair with your daily routines. And if you’re planning to drink alcohol, make sure to consume two glasses of water for every alcoholic beverage: your face will thank you in the morning.

[Photo Via: Kinja-IMG]