Manscaping at Gunpoint One Man's True Story of What He Did For ... Love

After about 18 more excruciating pain rips I was finally done — or so I thought.
Would I perhaps discover two inches of long lost man root obscured by the shrubbery that had accumulated over the years? This was enough incentive to carry on. To endure. After about 18 more excruciating pain rips I was finally done — or so I thought. “Not quite yet,” she said. “Turn over on all fours.”

“Wait…really? Why?”

“We have to clean up your back side to finish up. It’s part of the treatment your wife paid for. Don’t be a pussy.” Yep, Anka the Korean esthetician from Glendale called me a pussy. And over I went. Oh the shame. Not one of my proudest moments.

It has been about six weeks since this all went down. I have mixed emotions about the whole thing. On the one hand, it was purely terrible. It hurts like nothing you have ever felt in your life. (Unless, that is, you have ever taken a staple to the ballsack.). On the other hand, it really pays off. My wife actually seems to look forward to slaving my dode. In the immortal words of our savior, Charlie Sheen: “WINNING!”