An Unlikely Pair Erectile Dysfunction and Flossing

Did you know that men with erectile dysfunction are seven times more likely to develop periodontal disease?
We all know that taking care of our teeth is important. Aside from bad breath and yellow teeth, more serious ailments like gum disease are certainly unappealing. But did you know that men with erectile dysfunction are seven times more likely to develop periodontal disease? This unsavory mouthful is caused by bacteria that leads to chronic inflammation in your mouth AND — this is the big shocker — can spread to the rest of your body, including the penis.

I found that this oftentimes overlooked bit of information has provided a new level of motivation — an inspiration of sorts — to focus on oral hygiene. And as your dentist has probably opined before: brushing is not enough, you need to floss, too. In fact, many experts believe flossing is more important than brushing. It’s the most effective way to reduce the plaque which causes the inflammation referenced above.

The great news is that over the last five years a new flossing approach has become fairly common: the Y-shaped devices that make it easy to quickly and effectively get the job done.
Unfortunately, flossing is a huge pain in the ass, at least it has been for most of my life. The classic floss that you wrap around your finger is tedious to use and can be somewhat ineffective unless you develop an uncanny mastery — something I’ve never prioritized. Sure, your dental hygienist makes it seem easy, but they’re a professional. So, the great news is that over the last five years a new flossing approach has become fairly common: the Y-shaped devices that make it easy to quickly and effectively get the job done.

Admittedly, I am a little late to the game. My dentist turned me on to this type of flossing tool a couple of years ago, but it completely changed how frequently I floss. What used to be a once a month chore has transformed to a weekly event. Maybe not good enough according to hygienists’ standards, but a significant improvement nonetheless. Best of all, even my dentist has noticed the change. I’m not sure I would have been hitting up the local Cialis rep if the Reach Flosser (or something similar) hadn’t come into my life, but in this case, I would rather err on the side of caution.

So, start flossing. And if you want to take my advice, use a Reach Flosser — it’s easy and less pricey than a cocktail at your favorite high-end bar.

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