5 Secret Ingredients to Boost Sex Drive and Eliminate Erectile Dysfunction Put Some Lead Back in Your Pencil

boost sex drive

An inability to perform can also affect a man’s confidence and feeling of self-worth, which can negatively impact his career, relationships, and many other aspects of his life.
It’s not a subject most men are especially keen to chat about, but for many guys in their 40s and beyond, erectile dysfunction is an unfortunate reality. It’s estimated that ED affects more than 30 million men, but that number could be substantially higher. That being said, according to the National Institutes of Health, about 5% of 40 year-old men experience ED on a long-term basis.

The problems caused by ED can and often do go beyond a mere lack of satisfaction in the bedroom: an inability to perform can also affect a man’s confidence and feeling of self-worth, which can negatively impact his career, relationships, and many other aspects of his life.

Some cases of ED require medical treatment, but many can be remedied without so much as a prescription. Here, we’ll discuss 5 secret ingredients that will boost your sex drive and eliminate erectile dysfunction. After all – we’re not here to judge. This is a sensitive issue, and one that affects many men. So let’s dive in and see what can be done about getting past erectile dysfunction.

Exercise Is Key When It Comes to ED

We’re sure this isn’t news to you, but everyone needs a reminder once in a while. Sure, staying fit takes a little extra time and effort, but it provides an excellent ROI. Regular exercise can help you boost your mood, help you to live longer, to maintain your rugged good looks, and to keep your equipment working like it’s supposed to. You know what we’re talking about.

Regular exercise can help you boost your mood, help you to live longer, to maintain your rugged good looks, and to keep your equipment working like it’s supposed to.
Why is exercise so important for sexual health? First, it keeps the cardiovascular system running smoothly. In order to achieve an erection, you have to have good circulation in your extremities, especially one extremity in particular. Second, exercise floods your body with feel-good chemicals, which can help you battle depression. And depression, it seems, is often a major contributing factor to ED.

Third, certain types of exercises, such as high-intensity interval training, bench press, and squats can help boost testosterone levels. And when it comes to moving past ED, testosterone is definitely your best friend.

Curb Unhealthy Fats in Your Diet

As we’ve discussed, solid erections depend on adequate blood flow to the penis. As we age, many men begin to suffer the effects of atherosclerosis, which is doctor-speak for a narrowing of the arteries. It’s not that the arteries actually shrink as we age; they just get blocked with plaque deposits.

Being overweight or eating too many unhealthy fats can cause these plaque deposits to form. Fortunately, men can prevent or reverse the effects of atherosclerosis by adopting healthier eating habits, and the sooner they do so, the better for their sex lives.

Everyone Loves a Quitter

If you’re a smoker, then you already know that smoking is bad for your overall health, but did you know that lighting up could also put the brakes on your performance in the bedroom?

We get it – if you’re a smoker, you’ve probably been doing it for a long time now, and you love it. Maybe it even feels essential to who you are. But if you knew it could help you to get past erectile dysfunction, would you reconsider your habit? Smoking is another contributor to atherosclerosis, which is a serious mood killer. So if you were thinking about quitting and wanted another reason to kick the habit, there you go.