Edible Nuisance: 3 blood tests to help you remove problem foods

IN THE END, eliminating and reintroducing a food to see how it affects symptoms is the only true way to confirm if you have a food reaction.

Furthermore, food intolerance testing works most accurately in people who already live a healthy lifestyle, Kastrati said, helping you get to the next level of health.

“If we have a patient who has an unhealthy lifestyle- they don’t exercise or they smoke- this is not the test for them,” she said.

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That means these tests aren’t going to be a quick fix if you don’t want to work out or put in the effort. Once you’re living that life but still have nagging health complaints, a food intolerance test might prove more helpful.

With all tests, the results are just the beginning and changes need to be implemented to see if those foods are behind any chronic condition, even if it might mean removing your favorite food.

“If you’re not ready to make changes, it’s harder,” Koniver said.

*Not included in this list are specialized tests to identify lactose intolerance or celiac disease, a serious autoimmune response to the protein gluten, found in wheat, rye, and barley.