7. Ian Fleming’s International Drink of Mystery: The Vesper
WHAT IT IS: This is the Martini created by Ian Fleming for James Bond to casually invent. This is where all that “shaken, not stirred” business comes from. You need to know how to make this, because your buddies are going to quote this when you try to pass off whatever misbegotten milk, vodka and Saccharin concoction you have cooked up as a martini.
HOW TO MAKE IT: Two Parts gin to one part vodka, with Lillet in place of the vermouth, shaken and served up in a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a twist of lemon.
Just as an aside, Lillet has changed their formula to be sweeter and less bitter for American tastes. If you want to experience how this most likely tasted like when Fleming created it, substitute Cocchi Americano.
WHY YOU SHOULD CARE: The Vesper is tasteful, strong, classy and dangerously drinkable. Just looking at this recipe makes you about ten times cooler.