A Guy’s Guide to Social Media Facebook, Twitter, Google+ -- What You Should Know


Who’s using it:

It’s not as popular as Facebook, with only 23 percent of online adults using it, according to Pew. But the study found that “Twitter is particularly popular among those under 50 and the college-educated.”

How guys use it:

Twitter is your place for conversations around sports, technology, TV, pop culture, breaking news, current events. Athletes can be fun to follow, and there are definitely some comedians who are crushing it on Twitter. The range of topics discussed on Twitter is so diverse that if you’re interested in anything, chances are people are discussing it on Twitter.

Should you use it?

Gone are the days of saying, “I’m not going on Twitter because I don’t want to sit around telling people what I had for breakfast.” No one is using Twitter that way anymore. It’s become much more of a robust channel, and if you’re not able to find useful people to follow on Twitter, you’re just not looking hard enough. If you’re looking for relevant content that’s shared in real-time, Twitter is the channel for you.

Pro tip:

Twitter is best used as a conversation tool. It can get addictive to just share out your own ideas and content that you find relevant, but don’t forget to engage with other users. It’s called “social media” for a reason—be social! Having said that, beware the trolls and keep it positive. Beefing on Twitter is never a good look for a gentleman.

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Who’s using it:

Pretty much anyone with a job.

How guys use it:

Let’s face it: If you’re applying for a job or ever expect to change jobs, or if you’re buying or selling anything (and let’s face it, aren’t we all doing one or the other?), then someone will eventually find you via LinkedIn. Your profile is the professional face you present to the world.

Should you use it?

Unless you’re a lottery winner, retiree or independently wealthy and never plan to work a day in your life, you would benefit from having a LinkedIn profile.

Pro tip:

LinkedIn is a publishing tool as well as your online resume. Many people don’t realize that you can publish blog posts, which can keep a record of your thoughts and opinions about trends in your industry. You can also post links and PDFs to your profile that show highlights of your work over time.


Who’s using it:

The ladies … mostly. The Pew study found that 42 percent of online women use Pinterest, compared with just eight percent of men.

How guys use it:

There was a Social Habit study that came out a couple of years ago that really nailed the difference between how men and women use Pinterest. It found that women see Pinterest as a wish list or a way to help inspire ideas. Guys use it as a shopping cart. In other words, a woman may pin a photo of a pair of pants that are a style they think is cool. Guys will pin a photo of a pair of pants as a reminder to buy those pants.

Should you use it?

If you’re looking for insight into the feminine mystique, you won’t find it here. The ladies are pinning all things fashion, décor and DIY. My wife maintains her Pinterest page solely to find creative ways for her to spend our money. But if you’re a visual learner and you need a way to bookmark links that you want to go back to, check out Pinterest—just be prepared for some razzing when your friends stumble upon your page.

Pro tip:

Pinterest has a ton of life pro tips that users share—most of them advice to guys on how to treat women, which, ironically, women are sharing with other women.