An Expert’s Guide to Craft Beer Your Intro to Spring Beers

The Top Five Things Guys Should Know About Beer:

  1. There’s a time and a place for everything.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a hardcore hophead or a dedicated Highlifer—certain celebrations call for certain brews. Just like a Corona might not be the best choice at your buddy’s craft beer party, a bucket of 15% ABV Barleywines probably doesn’t mesh well with a weekend in Cabo.

  1. It’s gender-neutral.

One of the best things about beer is that no one can tell what you’re drinking in that glass. Do a lot of women prefer Hefeweizens? Sure. But so do traditional Bavarian farmers for their morning breakfast. Is a hearty stout a masculine choice? Absolutely. But craft brew drinking ladies will often turn to a stout for its low calorie count and low sugar content. There’s true gender equality in craft beer land.

  1. Pairing beer and food can be a blast.

Once you’ve decided on the menu for the evening, think about its essential flavors. Serving red meat? Opt for a darker beer or brown ale that can hold its own. Mexican? Serve it with an IPA, as hoppiness is beer’s own spice.

  1. It’s cool to nerd out.

When you’ve tried a few craft beers that you like, chances are that you’ll fall down the most enjoyable of rabbit holes. Get nuts. Read up on it. Make it a hobby. Check out whether local bars are having special brewery nights. You might discover that your favorite styles are simple or complex, conventional or completely unexpected—that’s the fun about it.

  1. No one can tell you what to drink.

Never let anyone put you down for having your own beer preferences, be it Bud or Founders Fresh Hop—it’s a petty thing to do, and, more importantly, it runs contrary to the spirit of brewing: to conjure a sense of community and relaxation.