Six Steps to Actually Enjoying Election Season And Yes, Your Vote Does Matter

It Ain’t Over ‘Til it’s Over

Politicians err. Only rarely do those errors cost them the election. So, when you see the stories of certain candidates tripping, misspeaking and insulting in ways that you might deem inexcusable, just remember that the American people are a forgiving bunch.

Michael Dukakis riding in a military tank and John McCain choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate—actions that many say led to those pols’ eventual demise—are rare. As much as the media will make you want to think that a certain gaffe will be a candidates’ undoing, it’s more likely to blow over in time for the next news cycle.

The Run for President Isn’t the Only Election that Will Matter in 2016

Make sure you research who’s running for local, state and national office in your district. I make it a point to also get opinions on judges in my area before I head to the polls. Your state bar association and various lawyer groups will put out guides for the candidates running for judge in your area. You may be surprised how many unqualified (and even sometimes unethical) people want you to vote for them.

Real People Vote

And finally, remember how lucky we are—despite our political system’s shortcomings—to live in a country where every so often we can enjoy a peaceful transference of power. Our government isn’t perfect, but that certainly doesn’t mean we shouldn’t all do our part to help make it a more perfect union. I believe that starts at the polls. And not just the general election. Make sure you show up for the primaries as well. You wouldn’t believe how many of our leaders skate by because no one shows up.