The Wheel In the Sky Keeps Turning Can We Slow Down Time and Get More Out of Life?

5. Recognize the power of now. While special events are easy to get excited about, there is joy to be had on an almost daily basis. It’s a mindset that you can learn if it doesn’t come naturally.  When you are in any situation, look around and just focus on being happy that you’re there, happy to be alive and with the people you are with. Savor the setting you are in — note it, or even better speak it out loud. I am sure friends of mine get sick of me pointing out things like: “When is the next time we are all going to be together on a Wednesday night at 11pm, having fun, laughing together? The past is gone, the future is uncertain, but we know we have now, so let’s fire it up.”

6. Nostalgia is the gift that keeps on giving. Sure, it’s important to live in the moment and plan for the future, but you can bring the past into the present and keep benefiting from what has already taken place. A prime example of this is retelling great stories, ideally with some of the folks that were there with you at the time.

7. Hang a traditional calendar where you spend a lot of time. You know the type of calendar I am talking about, there is usually some picture on top and then the month on the bottom. You don’t have to use this to really keep track of anything; it’s more just a visual cue that helps you get grounded in time.

8. Sleep is overrated. Everyone has a slightly different need for sleep and it varies throughout your life. Figure out what you need and try to sleep only that much. You get a lot more out of life when you are awake.