Unexpectedly Successful: A Man Cave Where?

Lesson 2: They genuinely take pride in their ability to personally pick out gifts, and actually tend to do a pretty good job

Imagine my amazement when I re-opened the boutique right after the holidays, expecting to be absolutely overwhelmed with returns and exchanges – only to find not one! Zero!

Take full advantage of the time you do spend tagging along with her while she shops to take note of her sizes
Countless times I’ve checked-out for guys who, after accepting little to no assistance, have made what I would consider questionable gift choices for their gals. Typically it’s the day before, or day of the holiday or event, so I’m expecting their significant other soon following when she brings it back for something else.

I must say, really great job here guys, because more often than not, that seldom happens. Whether she just doesn’t want to ruffle feathers, or actually genuinely enjoys what you’ve given her is yet to be definitively determined, but if you see her wearing it often, especially when you haven’t had to ‘recommend’ she put it on for a particular event or occasion, it’s a pretty good indication that you’re on the right track.

My advice to men: Continue to go with your gut here because it’s generally guiding you well! That said, take full advantage of the time you do spend tagging along with her while she shops to take note of her sizes (yes, it’s incredibly flattering in a ‘he thinks I’m skinnier than I am’ way when you buy us something that’s too small…but also horribly humiliating for us to have to tell you that when you ask why you never see us wearing it!) Also, if you’re going to buy her decent jewelry, you must absolutely understand which metals she’s into wearing – there is nothing worse than receiving gold when you’re a silver kind of gal.