12 Common Sense Traits That Set You Apart in Life

It seems today that in both personal and economic fields of life, resources are scarce. There is so much saturation in every niche that it raises the competition level. This idea is intimidating enough to cause people to shut down, give up, and not even try to accelerate in their avenue of interest. But, the reality of it is… there has never been a better time to put yourself out there. Whether you want to start your own YouTube channel, or write a book, there is no better time than now. Never before has it been to cheap an easily accessible to write a book, or make artwork, and get it in front of an audience.

So, what do you need to set yourself apart from the millions of others that are for example, trying to publish the next big novel? Traits like common sense, manners, social skills, and reliability. This is a list of common sense keys to success that are often forgotten about, and can make all of the difference.
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1. Send a thank you text after a casual occasion. Whether it’s a party or a date, this is such an easy way to show you are thankful. Whoever hosted you for their dinner party, or a date, always wants to know that their effort was appreciated. Just a small text, “Thanks for tonight, it was great”, will mean a lot to them, and they will remember you as a charming guest.
2. Handwritten thank you notes. This is an art that is sadly becoming forgotten. These are great closures for the bigger events in life. Perfect gifts, job interviews, someone helping you move, these are all times that a thank you note will set you apart from the pack.
3. Don’t forget to edit your email/text before sending. In a world of spellcheck and autocorrect this step is often ignored. But we all know that sometimes even the automated systems miss something, or correct it automatically to the wrong word. Just an extra minute to read over what you have just written could potentially save you some embarrassment.
4. Small talk. Meeting someone face to face can be awkward. We are so used to hiding behind the screens of our phones, laptops, and IPads. But having the ability to comfortably flow with small talk can make a world of difference. You can find common ground and interests with people, and that is a very memorable way to make a lasting impression.
5. Narcissism is a no-go. We all can all be guilty of this when meeting a new person. When you don’t know what to talk about, sometimes you talk about the one thing you know best, yourself. Try to ask questions about the person you are meeting, and listen.
6. Detach from your phone. Try to make the person you are talking to, even if the conversation only lasts a moment, feel like the most important person in the room. Don’t check your phone mid conversation. You will seem a lot more genuine if you keep your attention focused on the person you are talking to.
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7. Job interview attire is a must. Not every job calls for a three-piece suit. But, you should always dress well for an interview. Iron your shirt, comb your hair, and shave! Take yourself seriously and the interviewer will do the same.
8. At a job interview, ask questions. At the end of almost every interview you will be asked, “Do you have any questions for us?” This is your time to shine. You should have already done some basic research about the company before coming to the interview. So use this opportunity to show what you have learned. Ask about a project they have coming up that you saw on Google, or a new website they just started. Show interest in their company.
9. Real dates. In a world where everyone is afraid of commitment, and use basic, “what’s up?” texts, you should be doing something different. Netflix is no one’s ideal first date. There are plenty of cost efficient ways to show a person they are special on a first date, it doesn’t have to be dinner at a 5 star restaurant. Just make sure you show the person that you put some thought into your plan.
10. We all mess up, but you better apologize. Different levels of mistakes all call for different levels of apologies. But don’t let your pride get in the way. When an error is brought to our attention, many of us are so worried about just fixing it. We say, “Okay” and then dart back to our desk to correct our mistake. But, an apology goes a long way. Just a simple, “okay” is disregarding the fact that you made an error.
11. Follow-up. This is a way to make a person feel special and appreciated. If you are following up with a customer, and just simply reminding them that they are there whenever they need you, they will rely on you. Or if there is a new opportunity brought up at work in a staff meeting that you want, follow up and e-mail your boss about the opportunity. Don’t just leave it in the air. If you do, other coworkers could follow-up and receive the opportunity before you.
12. Reliability is key. Show up on time, meet your deadlines, keep your word, and always respond to e-mails, these are things that will cause people to count on you. You want this! This leads to trust which can open the door to many different relationships in both your business and personal life. Make sure that people can count on you.
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At first glance the business and dating world both seem to be oversaturated and competitive. Even with that being true, these key characteristics will set you apart. Even though many people want the same opportunities, be one of the few who has these common sense traits.

Curated article from The Art of Manliness.

Image Source: Quora