19 Men Go Shirtless And Reveal Their Body Image Struggles


“I would be embarrassed to mention it [to my friends]. I am worried what they would think, not only because I am actually very fat, but how weird it would be to mention something like that in a man-to-man conversation? It’s simply not acceptable.”

“I don’t talk to my friends about body concerns very often. I do notice that most of my friends are married and overweight — not sure if there’s a correlation between those two facts, but as a result, we don’t talk much about body issues.”

“I often feel somewhat weak and flimsy and wish I had a more powerful body. I’m really grateful to have people around me who are very open about their own body issues — which is the key. Once one friend starts sharing, it sets the space for everyone else to do so as well.”

“With women I [discuss body image]. They’re always quite fruitful. With men, on the other hand, I avoid these discussions as men are constantly trying to avoid looking weak. It sucks.”

Curated Article and Photo Credit from: The Huffington Post

Relevant Studies: NationalEatingDisorders.org, ScienceDirect and SAGE Publication

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