Can A Sex Coach Improve Your Game In The Bedroom?

If you’ve ever wondered how you could be better in bed—there’s actually a guy for that. For a fee, sex coach Eric Amaranth—who literally studied under sexual liberation pioneer Betty Dodson (he’s been her student and lover for a decade)—can pace the sidelines of your bed, calling the plays and critiquing your moves.

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In addition to coaching—a two-hour session runs $240—Amaranth offers health-and-wellness tips; sex-enhancement workouts; personal shopping for toys and lingerie; and for those willing to shell out up to $7,000, a full sex-life makeover. His client list includes newlyweds, 18-year-old “beginners,” premature ejaculators, couples who have young children and are desperate “to figure out how they can still have a sex life,” middle-aged single ladies on the cusp of cougardom, and sexual alpha types who are hungry for Amaranth’s “advanced” secrets. Then there are the regular people who have sex respectably without guidance but who thought a little sex coaching might be fun.

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“There’s stuff you can only learn through lots of practice,” Amaranth says. “And if you can’t get solid, powerful technique down, then you’ll never be a sex god.”

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