How Future Technology Will Shape Our Lives

Technology has completely revolutionized how we humans live and operate in our daily lives. Technology continues to evolve rapidly and spread ceaselessly throughout the world. In just the past two generations alone, we have gone from our Grandparent’s receiving their very first color television sets to our smart phones being capable of utilizing augmented reality.

“It has been said that in all our technological glory, we only know 5 percent of what we will know in the next 50 years. In other words, 50 years from now – 95 percent of what we will know, will have been discovered over that last 50 years.” This may seem hard to comprehend, but it was probably pretty difficult for our grandparents to envision their grandchildren holding super computers in the palms of their hands too!

The main areas we are going to see huge technological changes are: cyber-software, health and wellness, personal computers, and artificial intelligence.


By year 2020, it is anticipated that nearly every electronic device will have the capability for universal language translation. This technological advancement has the ability to strip away the language barriers for travelers, corporations, politicians, etc.

3D software will allow you to use an avatar digital image to meet up with a friend who lives out of state to go shopping, travel the world, or go on a date in a long-distance relationship.

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You can also kiss your traditional wallet goodbye, because it will soon be obsolete. By 2020, most consumers will exclusively be using wallet phones. In fact, our smart phones will evolve to be a combination of smart phones, credit cards, electronic car keys, glasses, and billboards. It may even go further and use fingerprint and iris scanning to completely replace any physical device or wallet whatsoever.

Health & Wellness

Nanotechnology advancements will change how we manage our health care completely. This technology will allow different drugs to be delivered to specific areas of the body, which will decrease negative overall side effects, such as what is experienced during chemotherapy. We will also have the ability to use synthetic blood made from ‘plastic’ hemoglobin that will save the lives of thousands during catastrophes or blood shortages. Even more amazing, protein building bone injections will be able to heal broken bones in as little as 24-hours. WOW.

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Going just a few years later, by the year 2022, it is predicted that doctors will be able to fully regenerate artificial limbs quickly and easily on site. And by 2025, criminals will have a new, improved option to behavioral therapy: an emotion control chip. This form of implant therapy will allow doctors to directly correct any behavioral disorders.

Oh, and did we mention that infectious diseases should be completely eradicated by 2028?

Personal Computers

We may think that we need a ton of storage on our laptops and smart phones right now…but today’s average 128 gigabyte memory is predicted to increase to a whopping 130 terabytes over the next six years. In fact, by 2020, your average thousand dollar quantum computer will be able to harness the power of molecules and atoms, “in other words, it will contain the raw processing potential of the human brain.”

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Artificial Intelligence

A.I., or artificial intelligence, has been a hotly debated topic since its conception. We have seen worst-case-scenarios in various Hollywood movies, such as iRobot and Terminator, that A.I. robots will out-learn humans and take over our world for their own. However, many experts predict that A.I. can, and will, responsibly maintain and control our health, finances, environment, education, and politics. Dr. Thaler reassures us that, “This is not the beginning of a war waged by machines against men, or vice versa.”

Dr. Thaler himself is the father of what he calls the Creativity Machine, which is an artificial intelligence program that is able to compose original music, invent new products (such as the Oral-B CrossAction toothbrush), and even train other robots. Although Dr. Thaler is the father of the machine, the ‘machine’ has since taken over the role of mastermind and can think for itself independently.

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“2020 – will be business as usual for the human race…the battle for gold and pleasure, lots of new gadgets, conflicts galore, and plenty of spin control to convince us that we are in a new and wonderful age, helping to channel the gleaming yellow metal in the right directions.”

While some of these predictions may seem a bit outlandish and optimistic from a timeframe perspective, meaning that we will actually see these developments within the next six years, there is no doubt that radical change will continue. We can’t be certain if this is a future to be excited about or scared of, but, however you feel about these technological advances, it seems unlikely that anyone can slow the pace of accelerated change at this point.

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