How Masturbation Affects Your Sex Drive

According to sex and relationship therapist Megan Fleming, Ph.D., masturbation is actually a very helpful and healthy way to keep your sexual pilot light on.

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From The Greatist:

If you get in the habit of bringing yourself to orgasm and experiencing that onslaught of dopamine, oxytocin, and stress relief, you won’t start with a cold engine when you want to get revved up with a partner. Getting excited to get it on may not be a problem for some, but if you tend to have a low libido, solo sessions can help you know exactly what turns you on, Fleming says.

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And there’s no reason to worry about masturbation ruining your libido, as there’s no hard-and-fast rule for how much libido you should have. But there’s no way to “tap out” of desire – so feel free to keep going at it with the person who knows best.

Curated article and photo from:
The Greatist