Kevin Quinn, details the way he incorporates exercise with his two young kids, as well as his broader diet and exercise plans.
The Wall Street Journal recently profiled heli-ski guide Kevin Quinn, detailing the way he incorporates exercise with his two young kids, as well as his broader diet and exercise plans. While Mr. Quinn definitely has the advantage of having a huge property to work out in and an already physical job with a pretty flexible schedule, there were still some interesting points to be gleaned.
Exercise can be fun and shouldn’t be limited to the gym.
45-year-old Quinn set up a CrossFit-inspired obstacle course on his 20-acre property in Truckee, Calif., so he can keep fit while also spending time with his family. An example of his backyard workout: Pulling his 4-year-old daughter on a sled up his driveway (while she yells, “Mush, Daddy, mush”). She also jumps on his back as he climbs a 40-foot rope dangling from a tree. His 1-year-old son also gets in on the fun as well. Quinn lifts him above his head repeatedly as if he were a kettlebell.
His yard also includes stations that include a cargo net, tires, gymnastic rings, a bar between two trees for pull-ups, empty beer kegs and sandbags.
The kegs are filled with either sand or water. He does walking lunges while holding a water-filled keg above his head or squats while holding a sand-filled keg above his head. “The sloshing of the water activates different muscles because the kegs are more unstable,” he says.
Then he sometimes alternates doing straight-arm hangs from the gymnastic rings with sets of pull-ups from the bar. Next, he climbs the rope, followed by doing sprints while pulling his daughter on a sled or pushing her in a wheelbarrow.
Ultimately, diet plays a huge role.
When he first started out as an instructor, even though he would ski every day, he would indulge in all the fancy, chef-prepared meals, and quickly gained an extra 40 pounds on his 6’3” frame. So now, following the Paleo diet, he is very deliberate about his meals, and avoids grains, legumes, dairy, refined sugar and processed foods. And he tries hard to stick to his healthy diet. If people at the lodge are going out for beers or indulging in a pasta dinner, he will skip it. He also tries to avoid desserts at all cost – though he admits, he’s cheated once or twice.
Relevant source: from The Wall Street Journal