How to Become a ‘Morning Workout’ Kind of Person

We have all woken up in the morning, gone to work, and made it through the majority of our day with the full intention of still going to the gym that night (but hardly ever actually making it there), right?

How is it that some of us have no problem waking up for that 6am workout, while some of us are lucky to take a shower in the morning?

Since this is one of the biggest obstacles that physical trainers face with their clients, they have been working on finding some of the best and easiest solutions for breaking the snooze button habit.

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If you want to change your physical wellness routine to include some sunrise workouts and productive days, here are the best five tips that physical trainers can give:

  1. Eat Right at Night

In order to be work-out ready in the morning, you need to plan your dinner meals strategically. This is because your body spends the entire night digesting your dinner. Chances are if you ate meatloaf and garlic bread the night before, you are going to wake up feeling like just that – a heavy loaf of meat. However, if you try to have your dinner meal be balanced and full of veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats, you are much more likely to wake up feeling more energized and more ready to tackle that morning jog.

  1. Have a Bed Time

Waking up early is always easier if you have logged your 7-8 hours of sleep for the night, so getting your body on a healthy sleep cycle is extremely important. It is best to adjust to your body’s circadian rhythm, which is our natural cycle of sleeping and waking states that generally corresponds with the sun and the moon. If you have a hard time falling asleep at night, try limiting screen time on cell phones, televisions, and tablets, because the ‘blue light’ their screens emit can alter our circadian rhythms and make it even more difficult to maintain a proper sleep cycle.

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  1. Find Personal Motivation

Shaking the dust off of your running shoes can honestly be the hardest part of working out, especially if you have been in a work-out rut for a while. However, our bodies are highly adaptable, and adjusting to a new routine is actually easier for our bodies than we may think. The more you get up earlier, the more natural and easy it will become. It is also helpful to provide some kind of motivation or reward, such as listening to that new playlist that just came out, or going to workout at a new gym or different park.

  1. Accountabil-a-buddy

A great way to not skimp-out on your workouts is to have a workout buddy to help you keep each other accountable. Think about it – you are much less likely to bail on that 7am jiu jitsu class when you already promised to pick your buddy up on the way there, than if you were just going by yourself. Plus you get to include social interaction in your workout routine as well – bonus!

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  1. Set Yourself Up for Success

If you get yourself prepared for your morning workout the night before, then you have far less to think and worry about when your alarm goes off in the morning. Have your clothes, shoes, and workout bag already set out and ready to go, have your fruit or power bar out, and even set the coffee pot on auto so you have a fresh cup of Joe ready for you when you wake up. This way, all the morning stress of trying to find your other shoe, or scrambling for your water bottle, is already handled.

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