The New York Times recently answered a question that we think many men have wondered themselves: How do we cut down on belly fat if weight-loss is not necessarily our goal?
Here’s their answer:
- Exercise gets rid of belly fat: Belly fat mostly consists of visceral, or deep, fat, the kind that settles just beneath your skin. And the good news is that visceral fat is uniquely vulnerable to exercise.
- Exercise is more effective than diet when it comes to belly fat: While cutting calories should also reduce visceral flab, the effects are more substantial and lasting with exercise.
- Best exercise program combines aerobic and weight training: While some studies suggest that endurance training, such as walking or jogging, is more effective than weight training, a new study shows that programs combining aerobic exercise and occasional sessions of weight training were superior to either type of exercise alone at reducing belly fat.
- Sit-ups are not effective at reducing belly fat: One exercise that will not slim your belly is the sit-up, despite entrenched beliefs to the contrary. You’re better off going for a walk.
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Curated from The New York Times