How to: Reduce wrinkles Retinoids are the most studied anti-aging compound

Topical drugs classified as retinoids are Vitamin A based, and have been used for skin care since the 1970’s. Originally the drugs were designed to serve only as an acne treatment. But after prolonged use and further studies researchers saw the benefits of retinoids were not limited to acne. This drug also helped with evening skin pigmentation, fading keratosis spots or age spots, and ultimately speeding up the turnover rate of superficial skin cells.

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You might be wondering, “How does this drug perform magic to the skin?” Retinoids naturally increase the production of collagen. Yeah that’s right collagen, the very thing many Americans pay to have injected. Not only that, but retinoids also stimulate growth of new blood vessels, which is how skin pigmentation is balanced. Retinoids not only smooth out the overall color and look of your skin but eliminate the wrinkles over time as well.

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One down side is that it can take up to 3-6 months before seeing concrete improvement. Best results are seen around 12 months. You also have to continue to use the retinoids to see long term lasting effects. So, this is something that would have to be worked into your daily routine. The retinoids also take time for your skin to get used to. Doctors recommend using them every other day and slowly getting your body used to nightly treatments. If you go too rapidly the topical use of retinoids can cause skin irritation and dryness. Due to the constant turnover of new skin cells your skin will be much more sensitive to light during use, so remember to always wear SPF when outside.

Curated article from Harvard.

Image Source: Tips To Remember