If You Want Your Days to be Successful and Productive, Change Your Nighttime Routine

Oftentimes when we think of ultra-successful people, we envision them as being glued to the cell phones, working late nights, and missing family dinners. However, that really is an inaccurate depiction of the average successful person.

While successful days are generally quite busy, successful people tend to utilize their nighttime as a means of relaxation, self-care, and reflection.

If you find yourself feeling scattered at night, or wanting to better your lifestyle in general, give some of these techniques a try before you hit the sack for the night:

  1. Meditate

Meditation has been proven for centuries as being an excellent means to relax the mind, body, and soul. More successful people than we can count take advantage of this powerful self-care tool at night. What’s even better is that you really only need five or ten minutes of meditation to reap the benefits. If you are new to meditating, try downloading the app called ‘Simple Habit’.

RELATED: Mediation – Is It Worth the Time?

  1. Power Off Cell Phones

Setting aside some time at night to disconnect from the issues of the day is incredibly important for our mental sanity. For example, Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook, turns her phone off at night as way to ensure she won’t be woken up, as well as preventing excess work. It is not always necessary to weed through that email list while you are in bed – that can wait until the morning.

  1. Work Out

Getting your blood and heart pumping after a long days work can be a great way to fall asleep fast. You don’t have to go crazy and do an hour of P90X before you hit the hay, but simply walking the dog for twenty minutes can give you the endorphins you need to feel good while you wind down.

  1. Creative Exercise

Some of our best creativity strikes during the night, so take advantage of that inspiration! Put this second wind to good use by painting, designing, sketching, etc. This can be simply for fun and individual expression, or it can be productive and apply to your work.

  1. Introspection

Reflecting on the happenings of your day is extremely important for making consistent progress in life. This is the time where we can sit back and ask ourselves what went well today and how we can do that more often, or adversely, what didn’t go so well and how we can do better in that situation in the future. For a more existential introspection, ask yourself “What GOOD have I done today?”

  1. Quality Time with Loved Ones

With differing work schedules and taking care of the kids, it can be difficult, yet understandable, when spouses/partners do not go to bed at the same time. However, it can do wonders for your intimacy and love to make an effort to fall asleep together at the same time. This doesn’t need to be a sexual endeavor either – simply cuddling and relaxing together is personal, comforting, and rewarding.

  1. Take a bath

Taking a bath or a long hot shower is a fool-proof way to wind down. It may be beneficial to incorporate various essential oils for aromatherapy or even self-massage to work out some irritated pressure points.

RELATED: Visualization: The Power of Positive Thought

  1. Positive Thinking

Thinking, speaking, and visualizing positive thoughts and goals are a key part of actually achieving them. “Visualizing goals helps wrap your subconscious around them, program your brain to help recognize the things you need to achieve them, activate the law of attraction, and help build your motivation to achieve them.” So, when we practice positive thinking at night, we are training our brains to recognize positive aspects of our life the very next day – pretty sweet huh?

  1. Read

Reading before bed is a great way to stimulate your mind with valuable material, while also allowing your brain to relax and slow down from the hustle and bustle of the day. This also forces you to turn off electronic devices which can be distracting and addicting, as well as emitting blue light, which can mess with our natural circadian rhythm, which controls our cycles of sleep and wake.

  1. Set New Daily Goals

The best way to set yourself up for success in the morning is to set goals and priorities for the day the night before. President Obama practices this goal setting technique every night in order to define his priorities for the following day and stay organized.

RELATED: 5 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight in Your Sleep

  1. Get Adequate Sleep

Although the National Sleep Foundation spouts that the average adult should be sleeping seven to nine hours a night, it is important to listen to what your individual body needs. You may need more or you may need less sleep than what is recommended. As long as you are getting at least five or more hours a night and give your rest and self-care the attention it deserves, then just listen to your body.

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