Key to Great Long-Term Sex Life Is Variety, Study Says

A massive new study brings good news to long-term couples: If properly nurtured, sexual passion can last for decades. The study looked at close to 40,000 married or co-habitating heterosexual couples aged 18-65, who’d been together three or more years (many had been together for 20+ years).

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The researchers found that the biggest predictor of long-term satisfaction is a willingness to try new things in the bedroom:

  • Couples who inject a little variety into their sex lives over the years are just as sexually satisfied as they were during the first six months of their relationship.
  • Close to half of all the couples—satisfied and dissatisfied—read sexual self-help books and magazine articles, but what sex the satisfied couples apart was that they actually tried some of their ideas.
  • In general, couples that prioritize each other’s satisfaction and can confide in each other with new ideas—without fear of judgment or rejection—fare the best.

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None of this is surprising to us. Of course couples that have great sex are more satisfied and will have more of it. But if that passion starts to fizzle, it’s probably time to try something different in the bedroom.

To read more FM’s coverage of this study, click here.

Curated article from:
Chicago Tribune