New Fixes For Worn Knees On Horizon: From Implanting Artificial Meniscus to Inducing Body to Grow New One

There is no knee injury more common than the meniscus tear. The crescent-shaped pads that act as shock absorbers and stabilizers as we walk, run, pivot and bend are incredibly vulnerable to tearing, and millions of people go in for treatment each year. For severe tears, the common course of action has been surgery, which involves cutting off the ragged portion of meniscus. But researchers are tantalizingly close to finding two better options that would also help stave off more serious problems, including arthritis and knee-replacement surgery.

The first is called NUsurface, a meniscus implant made of medical-grade polymers that is inserted with a small incision. To date, it has been used in more than 150 patients, mostly in Israel and Europe. And clinical trials are already underway in the U.S. The second groundbreaking method involves growing a new meniscus inside the knee joint using a 3-D printer and the body’s own stem cells. It has already successfully been tested in sheep, which have similar knee joints to humans, and researchers hope to begin testing the technique in people soon.

We here at are excited about these game-changing prospects. Especially since doctors are saying these could be real options in the next two years! In the meantime, don’t forget to stretch before every workout to avoid injury.

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Curated from the Wall Street Journal