Running on Empty? How To Do Just One Thing For Your Energy Level

We all feel exhausted occasionally – if not constantly. And most of us don’t have the luxury of being able to take rejuvenating vacations on a whim in order to recharge. Psychology Today offers some suggestions to help give you a boost of energy; the notion being that a small change may be all you need to jump-start your entire system and get you out of the exhaustion slump. Some of their suggestions are admittedly a bit obvious (like eating more nutritiously, exercising and getting more sleep), but there are a few valuable suggestions:

• Assume a powerful position
“Don’t fake it, until you make it,” says researcher Amy Cuddy, “Fake it, until you become it.” Whatever you do though, do not sink into yourself. Don’t depress your own body with a slouching posture. Lift yourself up and let others know that you are approachable.

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• Laugh
A simple thing like laughing releases stress and boosts your energy in minutes.

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• Say “yes” to nothing
The most simple and effective exercise to boost your energy is to do nothing at all. it is creative non-doing, with breath and consciousness. Let yourself become as receptive to life as you have once been as a child. What could be more empowering than tuning in with the universe?

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• Listen to music with the intention to boost your energy
Take yourself away from yourself. Music is a great transporter. Researchers have found that listening to music with intention can be quite different from listening to music without intention. You might as well give your mind a gentle push in the right direction as you forget about the mental formations created by your left hemisphere.

Curated article from Psychology Today