Smart Fitness Tips For When You Have No Time

Before inventing TRX, Randy Hetrick was a Navy SEAL deployed on a counter-piracy mission in Southeast Asia in the mid-90s. Holed up in a warehouse, trying to figure out how to stay in top shape, he accidentally deployed his jujitsu belt, which he combined with some spare webbing from parachute harnesses, to DIY a “Cro-Magnon” version of what became the TRX suspension training system.

In a recent interview, Hetrick—who is also a father of two—shares tips on how to stay in shape amid limited time and space, when the “warehouse” is your house and the bloody-thirsty pirate is your sleep-hating kid.

The Schedule:

  • When time is limited, Hetrick suggests carving out just three 10-to-15 minute blocks a day.
  • Workouts 1 & 3: Focus on the upper body, lower body and core. He also recommends time-based, as opposed to rep-based, sets: one minute of work with 30 seconds of recovery.
  • Workout 2: Just spend these 10-15 minutes doing “mobility movements” aka stretching.

The Exercises (without TRX):

The Exercies (with TRX):

  • Squat rows integrate more muscles into the repetition.
  • Atomic pushup work arms and back while burning the crap out of your core.
  • Pledge curls, which use both arms simultaneously across the body — one to the opposite shoulder and the other to the opposite armpit, switching on each rep.

Mobility Movements/Stretches:

  • With the following stretches, move into tension for 30 seconds, then ease off for 10 seconds and give each movement around 2 minutes.
  • Hip hinge: Spread your feet, bend at the waist, and let gravity stretch your hamstrings and decompress your spine.
  • Seated hamstring: Legs apart, lean forward.
  • Figure four stretch: Try this one laying down and then try it standing.
  • Cobra pose: The basic building block of hot yoga mom workouts is great for opening shoulders and abs. echoes Hetrick’s final words of advice: “Replace the 30 minutes of happy hour time with 10 minutes of suspension training or other exercise, and you’ll be better for it.” That said, if you do decide to throw back a few after work — or even after a work-out — remember that everyone has their own limits.

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