Study: Father’s Testosterone Levels Drops When Children Sleep Nearby

 Researchers from the University of Notre Dame divided a group of fathers into three groups. One group slept in different rooms than their children, one group slept in the same room, and the last group slept on the same surface as their child. The fathers who slept on the same surface as their kids, showed the lowest evening testosterone.

Becoming a father can cause a drop in testosterone levels.

Research has shows that once men become fathers, they experience a drop—sometimes a dramatic drop—in testosterone levels. The more time they spend in hands-on care (playing with their children, feeding them, reading to them, etc.), the more their testosterone levels goes down. It’s believed that this decrease makes men more responsive to their children’s needs and helps them focus on the demands of parenthood.

But new research shows that it’s not just active time with children that decreases male testosterone, but also inactive time. Researchers from the University of Notre Dame divided a group of fathers into three groups. One group slept in different rooms than their children, one group slept in the same room, and the last group slept on the same surface as their child. While the hormone levels of the fathers in the three groups showed no different during the waking hours, the fathers who slept on the same surface as their kids, showed the lowest evening testosterone.

ForMen tip: Check out this recent article on how to combat the fatherhood testosterone plunge.

Curated from University Daily News