In 2014 The American Chemical Society (ACS) conducted a study to test the effects of consuming agavins regularly. Agavins are natural sugar sweeteners in the agave plant. This is most commonly known for being the base of tequila. The extract from the agave plant has been said to lower blood glucose levels for people who suffer from type 2 diabetes, and to help obese people lose weight in general. Mercedes G. López, Ph.D and one of the researchers at ACS said, “We have found that since agavins reduce glucose levels and increase GLP-1, they also increase the amount of insulin.” The hormone GLP-1 is a hormone that makes you feel fuller longer, because it actually slows your stomach from emptying. This action also stimulates the production of insulin. So, shots of tequila all around to help lose weight!
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You might be wondering why this sweetener is okay for you, but others like high fructose corn syrup aren’t. This is due to the chemical structure of these sweeteners, they do not affect blood sugar in the same way. Since high fructose corn syrup is loaded with fructose sugars, in return corn syrup causes blood sugar levels to rise. Agavins on the other hand are fructoses, and their structure is a long link branched chain that the human body is unable to breakdown. Since we cannot break this down they are processed as a dietary fiber. Fiber does not raise blood glucose levels like many other sweeteners, and actually helps your body burn carbohydrates.
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To test their theory the scientists lead by Mercedes G. Lopez, Ph.D fed agavins to mice. The mice were all on the same standard diet, but the test group had agavin added to their water. The group of scientists learned that the mice with the agavin ate less, and had lower blood glucose levels. The mice consuming agavins also formed the GLP-1 hormone, which as stated above made them feel full for longer.
With that being said, you have to be careful what agavins you are consuming. Raw agave is not the same thing as agave nectar or syrup. Yes, both of those can be found at a health food store. But, unfortunately agave nectar and syrup both contain fructans that have been processed down into individual fructoses. Due to the change in structure agave syrup and nectar are more alike to high fructose corn syrup. So, if you are looking for a natural sweetener to help you lose weight try raw agave. The next time you are out be sure to order a shot of tequila to help lose weight, just make sure you don’t have too many tacos with it!
Curated article from AOL.