The Best Times of Day to Maximize Your Fitness

From knowing the best time to send an email that gets read to the worst times of day for your health, it’s clear that timing is important.

There’s been some compelling research for why you might exercise, eat, and even sleep at certain times of day, based on your goals. But don’t worry if you can’t set your schedule based on the science—after all, at the end of the day, getting your workout in at all is way more important than when exactly you do it.

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Here are the best times of day for…

  1. Weight loss

While any time spent working out is time well spent, there’s some compelling evidence that morning pre-breakfast “fasted” workouts (in which you haven’t eaten since dinnertime) may burn more fat and curb your appetite all day long. You may also benefit from limiting your window of eating to your most active eight hours of the day, which some research suggests may help control body weight.

  1. Building muscle

If your aim is hypertrophy, a mid-morning pump session could be the secret to muscle growth. That’s when blood testosterone levels are at their highest. Can’t hit the gym until later in the day? Not to worry: Muscular strength peaks in the early evening, so you may be able to rack up even more plates if you hit the gym right after work. Whenever you get it in, research suggests that a pre- and post-workout snack of around 30 grams of protein each, may have the greatest effect on muscle gains.

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  1. Going for a run

When you’re training for a race, the name of the game is adaptation. For this reason, it’s best to schedule the majority of your training runs at the same time of day you’ll be running the race. Since most competitions happen first thing in the morning, you may be in for some early wake-up calls. For very long runs of more than an hour, sports drinks or gels during and after the workout can help prevent “bonking” (running out of stored glucose.)

  1. High-intensity workouts

Again, late afternoon is king when it comes to eliciting your max performance. However, given the body’s propensity for adaptation, if you want to be consistent about hitting it hard in the morning, you may be able to match your performance level. Again, if you’ll be going long and hard, keep up your energy by sipping on electrolyte beverages, and follow up your session with a balanced meal of protein, carbs, and fat.

  1. Stretching

Your body may react most favorably to static stretching, foam rolling, or yoga toward the end of the day, when body temperature is high and muscles are the most supple. A little pre-bed stretching can also erase tension from your day. Make it a habit, and your body will develop a new relaxation routine to signal it’s time for some shuteye.

  1. Going to bed

A new study suggests that inconsistent or shifting bedtimes can affect the quality of shuteye, making it less restorative, even if the amount of sleep is the same. So do yourself a favor, especially when in heavy training: Hit the sack at the same time every night.

RELATED: 5 surprising ways to lose weight in your sleep

Curated article from Mens Fitness