The Fastest Cure for Heartburn

‘Tis the season for overeating, and overeating can cause major heartburn and ensure a not-so-silent night. Also triggered by consuming acidic foods, like wine, coffee, or spicy meals, heartburn occurs when the acids in those foods combine with your stomach acid and causes a burning sensation to seep into your esophagus.

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You may have heard that eating or drinking certain foods—like milk, bread, or apple cider vinegar—will ease heartburn. But those are just old wives’ tales, and may even make your heartburn worse.

Heartburn occurs when stomach acid backs up into your esophagus and it’s often triggered by consuming acidic foods, like wine, coffee, or spicy meals.

So what does work?

The quickest relief comes from over-the-counter histamine blockers like Pepcid or Zantac. Those drugs work by blocking histamine, a chemical that triggers the production of stomach acid. They can provide relief in 15 to 30 minutes, according to the drugs’ websites.

RELATED: Be careful! Some common heartburn medications have been linked to heart attacks

But if you get heartburn more than twice a week, definitely tell your doctor, as it could be signs of something more serious.

Happy eating!

Curated article from:
Men’s Health