The Five Hottest Cosmetic Procedures for Men Over 40

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) has seen a 273% increase in the number of procedures performed on men since it started tracking statistics in 1997. Here are some of the top procedures men are opting for:

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The most common cosmetic procedure in the United States, with over 400,000 procedures occurring every year, liposuction breaks up and removes fat from certain areas of the body using a cannula inserted under the skin and removed using a high-pressure vacuum.

To be a candidate for liposuction, a patient needs to have a stable body weight, but with undesirable fat deposits in specific areas of the body. It should not be treated as a weight loss method, but rather as a sculpting method.

Gynecomastia Correction Surgery

Sometimes when hormones are out of balance or a man is over weight, men will struggle with over-developed or enlarged breasts. Gynecomastia correction surgery involves cutting out excess glandular tissue and ultrasonic liposuction. The overall goal is to improve the contour of the chest.

In 2014, the ASPS estimated a total of 26,175 men underwent this procedure. Candidates for gynecomastia should visit their doctors first to rule out any medical problems causing their condition. As long as there are not underlying conditions that need to be treated, you are a good candidate.

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Hair Transplant

When hair starts to thin, a hair transplant can help restore the look of a full head of hair. This common procedure, which has been around since the 1950s, involves taking a narrow strip of scalp tissue from the back of the head, dividing it into small grafts with just a few hairs each, and then placing those grafts into small holes on the front of the head where the hair is thinning.

Because the area where the hair is removed is in the back of the head, the existing hair will cover it.

Most men who are good health can have hair transplant surgery, provided they have sufficient hair in the donor area to perform the procedure. The procedure takes between four and eight hours under local anesthesia. In 2014, the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery indicated 112,409 people underwent surgical hair restoration procedures.


This is by far one of the most common procedures, with over 410,000 men having it in 2014 according to the ASPS.

Men struggling with wrinkles on the face can turn to Botox for help. Botox involves injecting the bacterium Clostridium botulinum into the muscles that contribute to deep wrinkles between the eyebrows and other areas of the face.

Botox has few risks and is considered a minimally invasive treatment. The effects last between four to six months, which means patients will need repeat applications to maintain their results. However, over time the wrinkles will appear less severe as the muscles are trained to relax, which may mean fewer treatments are necessary to maintain results.


Drooping eyelids can make a man seem older than he really is, and blepharoplasty is a common procedure to treat this problem. The ASPS indicates that between 2010 and 2015, rates of men undergoing blepharoplasty increased by 34 percent.

Eyelid drooping occurs as an individual ages and the eyelids stretch, while at the same time the muscles supporting them weaken. This provides an environment for excessive fat to build up under the eyelids and above the eye.

Blepharoplasty is an outpatient procedure that involves cutting the fold of the eyelid to remove excess skin, muscle and fat, then closing the cut. Because the cut is done on the fold or directly under the lashes on the lower eyelid, scarring is well hidden.

RELATED: Considering plastic surgery? Here are the three things you should do first

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