The Fountain of Youth May Have Been Found Nobel Prize Winners and MIT Scientists May Have Created the Impossible

There are diet and anti-aging pills lining the aisles at supermarkets, flooding television commercials, and forcing their presence into your social media feeds. Most of these are fads, scams, and not worth your time.

This one, however, might be a bit different.

Basis, as it is called, is a pill designed to delay the onset of aging. What makes it so special is that it has been formulated by a group of scientists that includes six Nobel Prize winners, as well as Leonard Guarente, the head of MIT’s aging center and also a contender for the Nobel Prize.

If that doesn’t peak your interest and boost their credibility a bit, I’m not sure what will.

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Guarente and the other scientists who developed Basis are not alone in their quest for youth – dozens of different Silicon Valley companies have been pouring research into ways to stay young, while dying billionaires are frantically funding their research. The common factor they have all discovered since the 1930’s is that calorie-restricted diets extend the life span in mammals. “We evolved, the thinking goes, to withstand periods of famine, downshifting our metabolism in order to defer reproduction until we were again in a time of plenty”.

Thus, the idea behind the Basis pill is that by ingesting certain compounds, we might “trick our bodies into thinking they are starving (thereby extending or lives) without our having to feel hungry.”

Basis pills have two active ingredients in them: pterostilbene and NR, which are both naturally occurring, particularly in milk and blueberries. Because these active ingredients are natural and are already found separately in other supplements, Basis has been able to skip any FDA regulations and has been able to begin selling its capsules immediately.

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Because Basis was able to ‘skip’ FDA-approval and is using their customers as their literal test-subjects, any benefits or consequences have not and can not been identified or certified by the FDA. “Since a drug designed to treat people who are already healthy would have to be remarkably free of side effects to justify approval, and since there isn’t a consensus on precisely which biomarkers would prove an anti-aging drug’s effectiveness, no FDA-approved anti-aging drug has come to market.”

Although the FDA cannot certify the claims that Basis makes, Guarente has been personally taking the pills for over two years now, and swears by their benefits.

This supplement can be found and purchased online for roughly $60 for a month long treatment.

Article Curated from:
NY Mag