The Happiest Couples Have Sex This Many Times a Week

It turns out that the magic number for doing the deed is once per week, according to researchers. Couples having sex more than once a week aren’t any happier, but couples having it less than once a week are less happy.

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The study was based on the results of surveys of more than 30,000 Americans collected over 40 years – and it’s the first study that posits that sex could have diminishing returns.

In other words, sexual frequency was associated with greater well-being up to about once a week for the average person, and having sex more frequently than once a week was not associated with greater well-being. However, having sex more than once a week wasn’t associated with lower well-being either.

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Having sex less than once a week was definitely associated with a drop-off in contentment. In fact, the study found that the difference in life satisfaction between couples who had sex less than once a month and those who had it once a week was bigger than the difference between couples who were quite poor, making between $15,000 to $25,000 annually, and those who were much wealthier, making between $50,000 and $75,000.

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It’s important to remember, however, that this research—and most experts—stress that sex is not a one-size-fits-all arrangement—one person’s feast is another’s famine. Do what feels right for you and your partner—and if it’s only once a week, you’re probably doing just fine.

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