Three Crucial Tips Every Man Should Know About Grooming His Eyebrows

most men can benefit from these 3 simple grooming tips from Dove Men Care's ambassador Karen Lynn Accattato

Most men can benefit from these 3 simple grooming tips from Dove Men Care’s ambassador Karen Lynn Accattato.

Eyebrows can be influential. They have the ability to alter your expressions, and make you look strong or weak, approachable or too severe. Whether you’re already close friends with a pair of tweezers or have no idea how to use them, most men can benefit from these 3 simple grooming tips from Dove Men Care’s ambassador Karen Lynn Accattato:

1. Don’t wax!

Waxing gives too much of a manicured look.

2. Use scissors, trimmers or combs

  • Use a comb to brush your brows upwards
  • Use small trimming scissors to trim the stray hairs
  • Then brush the hairs back into place

3. Only pluck hairs below the arch

Since it’s easy to overpluck, only remove hairs below the arch, not above, so your arch remains natural and in tact.

Curated from the Huffington Post