Why You Should Exercise Before Breakfast

A new study published in The Journal of Physiology suggests that if you exercise before eating your body will more efficiently burn fat instead of carbs. This thought which will lead to weight loss, has people rethinking their morning routine. Peter Hespel, Ph.D., and a professor in the Research Center for Exercise and Health at Catholic University Leuven in Belgium suggests that a run or bike ride in the morning before breakfast is the easiest way to exercise in a fasted state.
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The conducted experiment had a group of 28 men who were all healthy and on the same diet. Group 1 ate a carbohydrate breakfast before working out. Group 2 ate a low carbohydrate breakfast before working out in the morning. Group 3 worked out before eating and only drank water, until after. All of the groups ate a breakfast of the same calorie count. Their workouts were the same routine, and closely monitored to make ensure that the same amount of energy was exerted by all groups.
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After six weeks each member of group 1 gained an average of more than 6 lbs. Not to mention they had developed insulin resistance causing their muscles to stop filtering out sugars into the bloodstream efficiently. Causing extra fat to store between their muscles. This is a precursor to diabetes. Group 2 gained weight as well, but only about half as much as group 1 because they had a lower carbohydrate intake. This group was unfortunately also starting to store fat between the muscles and becoming insulin resistant. The group of men whom exercised before eating breakfast gained almost no weight and showed zero signs of insulin resistance. This study proved that working out while your body is in a fasted state, which is most easily done before breakfast, burns a greater percentage of fat.
Curated article from NY Times.