WSJ Published an article on sex in the future. It’s interesting to read one perspective on how things may play out. Key article points:
Futurists are predicting that—in just 10 to 15 years—there will be robots that will look and feel incredibly lifelike, robots with which you can cuddle and have sex.
- Mind blowing sex without physical contact.
- Futurists are predicting that—in just 10 to 15 years—there will be robots that will look and feel incredibly lifelike, robots with which you can cuddle and have sex.
- We (and the FDA) will embrace better loving through chemistry, while making sense of the plethora of medical interventions coming down the pike to create bigger orgasms; make you skinnier, tanner and more libidinous all at once; and expand the size of the G spot. Take: Enjoy the robots if you want, but we think physical intimacy between humans is still the way to go. Of course, maybe it’s because we are coming at this from a seasoned perspective (after all, is geared towards men 35+). That said, robot sex could be an alternative to masturbation and we have no problem with medical interventions that will create bigger orgasms and get women more fired up about sex.